

PLC #SwachhtaMonitor 2024-25 – School Participation

ह्या प्रकल्पात काय करायचे आहे –

स्वच्छता मॉनिटर ने फक्त आणि फक्त कुठेही येत जात असताना, कोणीही बेफिकीर थुंकताना किंव्हा निष्काळजीपणे कचरा टाकताना / घाण करताना दिसले की जागीच त्या व्यक्तीला थांबवून, “परिसर घाण दिसतो” इतक्याच कारणासाठी चूक सुधारण्याची विनंती कराची. पुढील दिवशी ती घटना, आणि थांबवलेल्या व्यक्तीची प्रतिक्रिया वर्गात सांगायची, आणि शिक्षकांने निवडल्यास विडिओ वर त्या घटनेचे मजे मजेत रंगवून विवरण करायचे. Post such videos on Facebook and Instagram daily.

Academic Year 2024-25 Phase 1 – 16 th August to 2 nd October 2024
Academic Year 2024-25 – Phase 2 – 11 th October 2024 to 18 th January 2025

Remember, PLC #SwachhtaMonitor is for “Swachhta”, but not a Swachhta Abhiyan. ह्या प्रकल्पामध्ये विद्यार्थ्यांकडून वर्ग, शाळा किंव्हा परिसर सफाई करून घेणे नाही, जनजागृती साठी प्रभात फेऱ्या नाही, लोकांना स्वच्छतेचे महत्व किंव्हा अस्वच्छतेचे दुष्परिणाम पटवून देणे नाही, स्वच्छता संधर्बात चित्रकला / वक्तृत्व स्पर्धा इत्यादी करायचे नाही.

During the period schools should arrange students to watch the film Lets Change. Schools can do this by:

  1. In case equipment available in school, show the film online by asking for YouTube Link.
  2. In case equipment not available in school, school may hire at subsidized cost from authorized representatives.
  3. School may choose to share YouTube link as Home Work and next day ask questions to ensure students have done this home work.
  4. All teachers should watch film on YouTube Link and comment their opinion about the project with School Udise.

Registration for 2024-25 has to be Updated or done afresh. Enter the School Udise. If available, data shall be displayed. School needs to update and add some information fields in  School Login and may change / update details and participation level.

Despite Hon. Minister Shri Kesarkar recommending a budget for PLC Swachhta Monitor, there is resistance with a garb of “procedure” by officials. For this reason PLC Swachhta Monitor 20234-24 (period of Mukhyamantri Mazi Shala Sundar Shala) got highly compromised. Secondly, despite authorities themselves sent details of the working for schools vide Circular dated 10th January, they deliberately made mistakes in awarding marks and nominated underperforming schools over performing schools at all levels

Participation in PLC Swachhta Monitor has always been voluntary. Due to the support extended by School Education Department, Free Participation was made available. However, now that support is not available, hence there will be a nominal fee for even Basic Participation.

Text that can be copy-pasted with videos (social media posts) .. Please remove brackets and replace with your Udise Number / School Name and District. Do not leave space between the # and text you are replacing with. You may get your school specific Text by resubmitting your information in  School Login Copy-paste it from Grey Box that appears with “Updated Successfully” after submitting / updating information on School Login Page.


(Text मराठी मध्ये पोस्ट करायचे असल्यास) Narration tailormade for your school appears in Grey Box when you update in School Login. Please copy and save the same to use on all videos you post.


(विद्यार्थ्याचे नाव)

#Udise(YourUdise) (School Name) #स्वच्छतामॉनिटर चा #LetsChange च्या #SardarPatelbaazi करण्याचा अनुभव. #महाराष्ट्र मध्ये जो घाण करेल, त्याला #SwachhtaMonitor2024 थांबवून केलेली चूक सुधारायला सांगणार.


उद्दिष्ट: कचऱ्याबाबत निष्काळजी मुक्त #महाराष्ट्र



(Text if to be posted in English)


(Input Student Name)

#SwachhtaMonitor2024 from #Udise(YourUdise) (Your School Name) narrates incident of doing #SardarPatelbaazi of #LetsChange.

Stop careless spitting and littering in #Maharashtra; or you will be stopped and asked to rectify your mistake.


उद्दिष्ट: कचऱ्याबाबत निष्काळजी मुक्त #महाराष्ट्र

#(YourDistrict)SwachhtaMonitor2024 #स्वच्छतामॉनिटर


Please do not leave space between # and Udise:

Correct – #Udise27230100156

Wrong – #Udise 27230100156


Please do not give space between # and Your District

Correct – #MumbaiNorthSwachhtaMonitor

Wrong – # Mumbai North SwachhtaMonitor

Wrong – #Mumbai North SwachhtaMonitor

Wrong – #MumbaiNorth SwachhtaMonitor

Correct – #BuldhanaSwachhtaMonitor

Wrong – Buldhana Swachhta Monitor

Wrong – BuldhanaSwachhta Monitor

Wrong – Buldhana SwachhtaMonitor

You may be aware of the issues and injustice on me and PLC Swachhta Monitor 2024-25. My efforts for it are going on. Even after repeated instructions by Hon. Minister, the officials are creating unnecessary delays. PLC Swachhta Monitor is a mission of getting students habituated to reacting to basic social misconduct. In turn helping in eradicating the menace of careless spitting and littering. This requires continuity without breaks. Unfortunately, breaks are being created by official. We have hence decided that in the scenario that Government is not supporting as assured, we shall take a nominal fee even for Basic Activity. Though efforts to get the Government support or sponsors will be there, we request you to participate, not for awards, but for betterment of students’ development and Maharashtra.

In case the Government decides to support as promised, payments made for Basic Activity shall be reimbursed to schools.

Watch Sample Narration Videos for reference to making correct videos.