

Q – Why should schools participate in PLC Swachhta Monitor?

A – PLC Swachhta Monitor benefits students in many ways. Apart from students becoming instrumental for sustained cleanliness;

  1. It develops a good habit of reacting to social misconduct at this young age.
  2. It develops confidence in students.
  3. By narrating incidents, their fluency in speech gets developed.


Q – Is PLC Swachhta Monitor a Swachhta Abhiyaan?

A – PLC Swachhta Monitor is NOT a Swachhta Abhiyaan. Swachhta Monitor is a project to get the new generation habituated to not “turning a blind eye” towards social misconduct; carelessly spitting and littering being one of the basic unsocial behavior. When new generation starts reacting to social misconduct, it will gradually decrease. In case of “Swachhta”, when careless spitting and littering gets stopped, people will refrain from it. This will directly result in areas looking cleaner and sustain cleanliness.


Q – Why is spreading awareness through rallies or convincing people the importance of cleanliness and ill-effects of unclean surroundings not required for PLC Swachhta Monitor?

A – Firstly, Swachhta Monitor is NOT a Swachhta Abhiyaan, though it will be for Swachhta. Secondly, hasn’t enough awareness been spread in the past many years? How long do we have to keep spreading awareness about such a basic thing in an educated society?


Q – We have been actively doing Swachhta Abhiyaans and will continue to do so. Should we still participate in PLC Swachhta Monitor?

A – The requirement to do Swachhta Abhiyaans is because of unclean surroundings. Even with years of Swachhta Abhiyaans, in which spreading awareness, drawing and elocution competitions, convincing people about importance of cleanliness, taking oaths etc; there is still requirement of Swachhta Abhiyaans. This is because we are NOT addressing the root cause – careless spitting and littering. Habit of carelessness stays because everybody turns a “blind eye” toward anybody spitting or littering.


Q – Why is Social Media to be used?

A – There are multiple reasons.

  1. It is the fastest way to make people realize actual stopping for social misconduct has started.
  2. The new generation knows, and thinks it “cool” to connect through social media.
  3. Making videos and posting, viewing posts of others on social media is of interest to many. Swachhta Monitor becomes a positive use.
  4. There is nothing wrong in using social media for a positive cause.


Q – How to Register participation?

A – Even if you have registered for PLC Swachhta Monitor 2022, or 2023 Phase 1, you only need to Confirm Participation. Enter your School Udise Number. If registered, available information will show. You may edit this information. School Principal / Authorized representative will need to create a password for School Login. Information can be added / changed only with this password.


Q – What is to be done in PLC Swachhta Monitor?

A – 1. Inform students that they are all Swachhta Monitor of Maharashtra. As Swachhta Monitor, they will ONLY stop anybody seen carelessly spitting or littering, and request them to rectify their mistake. Reason – Area will look unclean and dirty.

  1. Students should keep in mind – why did they stop this person, what was the reaction on being stopped, how he / she responded on being requested to rectify mistake and what was his / her reaction to it.
  2. Everyday after taking school attendance, class teacher should ask “Who all did Swachhta Monitorgiri yesterday”. Make at least 2 or 3 students to give a short narration of the incident. Choose the best narrator amongst them, and take his / her narration (ideally 30 seconds, max 1 minute) on video in the class.
  3. Post this video on your Facebook / Instagram / Twitter with suggested narration


Q – What if we do not post video on social media?

A – Swachhta Monitorgiri is stopping people and posting a narration of the incident. Only then will people realize many students are alert and active. Secondly for the competition points, this becomes a proof and report of extent of school being active.


Q – Can parents post Swachhta Monitor videos on social media?

A – Yes, please share the text that goes with the video so those posts get counted as your schools’ post.


Q – What is the text that should be posted on social media with the video?

A – Text in both languages was displayed with message after you confirmed registered. Go to https://swachhtamonitor.in/sm23/ enter School Udise and password, and click Submit for the text. You may Copy and save text that can be pasted on all your posts.


Q – Is there negative marking on posted videos?

A – Yes, wrong videos will get negative marking. Videos longer than 1 minute, scripted videos that are created for showing somebody being stopped from spitting / littering, videos in which it is evident that students are told what to say, videos that are evidently made up incidents, videos of doing any cleaning activity, rallies for spreading awareness, elocution / drawing competitions, segregation of waste etc will be wrong videos. Details on Implementation Under Important.


Q – What type videos are correct videos?

A – Length not more than 1 minute, only those that are narrations of a real incident. Details on Implementation


Q – What should be language, tone and style of video?

A – These videos are not a test of language. Videos should be in the language that is most comfortable for the student. Tone can be any, style should be any that the student is most comfortable with. Grammatical mistakes etc are no issue. Students can exaggerate, be funny, mimic, change voices, tone may be sarcastic, angry, sad, whichever way they want. They should enjoy making; and people should enjoy watching their videos. Details on Implementation


Q – What should be flow of video?

A – Ideally video should start with students’ name, followed by incident narration. Lastly him being Swachhta Monitor, will not tolerate careless spitting and littering. End with Lets Change. Name of school and district will get included in text accompanying the video. Details on Implementation


Q – How many videos should be posted?

A – Maximum videos should be posted. Ideally minimum 1 video per class per day should be posted. To become an active school of Swachhta Monitor at least 30 videos should be posted in the duration of each phase.


Q – What is duration of PLC Swachhta Monitor 2024-25?

A – Academic Year 2024-25 Phase 1 – 16 th August to 2 nd October 2024.
Academic Year 2024-25 Phase 2 – 10 th October to 18 th January 2025.


Q – Is this a competition? Are there prizes?

A – As an independent project, top schools in the state will be selected. A number of students
will also be felicitated with official “Maharashtra Swachhta Monitor” Identity Cards.
However, the best prizes shall be – Personal Development of Students and a
Carelessness Free Maharashtra.


Q – Are there Registration Fees for PLC Swachhta Monitor?

A – Since we have suspended the partnership with School Education Department, there
will be registration fees even for Basic Activity. If Education Department decides to
support, schools registering for Basic Activity may be reimbursed. If school decides for
better participation, they may choose to do one of the 2 Advance Activity options, both of
which have registration fees. Details in School Participation


Q – What is the difference in Basic Activity, Advance Activity Daily Appreciation and Advance Activity Complete Participation?

A – Refer Table given in School Participation.