
Phase 2 Implementation


Basic Participation: (Registration Fee Rs. 499/-)

  • School Principal / authorized representative should confirm registration on School Login with required information and Registration Fee payment details. Set a password for school login to be used in case information needs to be changed / updated.
  • Participating schools or any school representative need to have Facebook or Instagram, mandatory for setting to be ‘Public’. Click Here for PDF on creating Facebook ID, its settings and posting videos.
  • Please share the above social media ID with parents of all existing students, your past students etc. for their involvement, to build an audience and reach out to people.
  • Please watch videos about PLC Swachhta Monitor for better understanding of the project.
  • Teachers should go through Questionnaire to ensure correct understanding of the activity.
  • ALL students should be told that they ALL are Swachhta Monitor of Maharashtra. As Swachhta Monitor, they are expected to ONLY stop anybody seen carelessly spitting or littering, for a simple reason that area looks unclean and dirty. For this project, no student should be made to spread awareness, explain about importance of cleanliness, ill effects of uncleanliness, segregation of waste etc.
  • No special time needs to be given by students. Students should do Swachhta Monitorgiri whenever and wherever they see anybody carelessly spitting or littering. Even if they are commuting by vehicle and they spot an offender, they can shout out to point-out the mistake.
  • On seeing anybody carelessly spitting or littering, Swachhta Monitor will stop that person, casually point-out the mistake, politely ask to rectify the mistake, watch what the person does and proceed to where he / she was going.
  • No more than half minute should be taken. Swachhta Monitor should not argue, persuade, force or try to convince about the mistake. At most it can be told that if seen again, some other student will stop and request to rectify the mistake.
  • From now, after taking daily attendance, teacher should ask the class “Who all did Swachhta Monitorgiri on the previous day”.
  • Teachers should randomly select at least 2 or 3 students and ask them to narrate their incident for the class.
  • This narration should only have;
    • Where and for what did Swachhta Monitor stop the person.
    • What was the reaction of the person when stopped, mistake pointed out and requested by Swachhta Monitor to rectify the mistake.
    • What was the end.
  • Teacher should select at least one student daily to take his / her narration on video. There is no limit for number of videos that can be posted.
  • Guidelines for making narration videos
    • Make videos in the class itself.
    • Ask other students to be attentive as someday their narration may also be taken on video.
    • Ensure narration can be properly heard in video. Other sounds, like other students talking in background etc should NOT get captured in the video.
    • bout how the narration should be;
      • Student starts narration with “I am Swachhta Monitor Name”. Tells about incident. Ends with “Careless spitting and littering will not go unnoticed in Maharashtra, Lets Change”
      • Do not have students tell name of school, taluka, district in the video. This will be included in text that goes with the video.
      • Length of video should not be more than 1 minute. (ideal length is about 30 seconds)
      • Narration should be very casual, like telling the incident to a friend.
      • This is not a test of language or grammar. Swachhta Monitor should be suggested to speak in any language, or combination of languages that the student is most comfortable with, irrespective of medium of the school.
      • Students should have fun narrating the incident, not get conscious or feel it as a burden to make the video.
      • Student would have been polite while doing Swachhta Monitorgiri. However, narration on video can be dramatized for making it interesting to watch. Students can get creative by choosing to be funny (like telling a joke), or keep an angry or sad or serious or sarcastic tone. Mimicry, mockery, making sound effects (eg. He spat .. paaachhyak), voice modulation etc can be done to make it more interesting.
      • All attendance taking teachers should post at least one video daily on their personal / school ID
  • For competition purpose, points shall be given and ranking established based on;
    • For Schools - number of students / staff vis-à-vis number of students’ videos posted.
    • For Districts – number of schools in district vis-à-vis number of schools attaining active status (posting minimum 30 correct videos in the phase).
    • Views, comments, shares and likes on social media posts shall be considered to establish ranks.
  • For PLC Swachhta Monitor Phase 2 –
    • Up to Top 200 schools of each district will be shortlisted and asked to send nominations for students eligible for Swachhta Monitor ID Cards. Number of students a school can nominate shall be decided based on school reports and number of videos posted.
    • Top 30 schools from district will be shortlisted, from which Top 10 shall be selected as District winners. Ranking shall be given to Top 3.
    • Top 10 schools of each district shall be shortlisted, from which Top 20 shall be selected as Divisional winners. Ranking shall be given to Top 5.
    • Top 20 shall be shortlisted from each division, from which Top 100 shall be selected as State winners. Ranking shall be given to Top 10.


  • Schools shall be considered active for PLC Swachhta Monitor Phase 2 after posting 30 correct videos in the phase.
  • There is double negative marking for wrong videos. Following shall be considered wrong:
    • Videos longer than 75 seconds
    • Videos created by asking somebody to make the mistake and student stopping that person.
    • Videos that are not narrations of actually stopping somebody; or those that are scripted by teachers.
    • Narration about incident of stopping a schoolmate / friend / young relative. It will imply that school has not told all students to be Swachhta Monitor. If the student stopped another student from different school, student should specify name of that school in the video.
    • Videos that are about any Swachhta Abhiyan activity.
    • Videos of Swachhta Monitor giving “gyan” of any sort about swachhta.
    • Same videos posted from different IDs.

Advance Activity - Daily Appreciation (Registration Fee Rs. 1499/-)

This is Basic Activity +

  1. School shall display board (Flex Print) sent to the school on School Entrance or Notice Board.
  2. Every day teacher shall appreciate those students whose videos they post after making the video with chocolates that will be sent to the school.
  3. School Principal or Swachhta Monitor School Coordinator can attend 2 online sessions for updates and strategies during the project period for more effective activity with regards to the competitions.

Advance Activity - Complete Participation (Registration Fee Rs. 1999/-)

This is Basic Activity + Daily Appreciation +

  • School shall display board (Flex Print) sent to the school on School Entrance and Notice Board.
  • School shall be sent Forms. Selected Swachhta Monitors should be given 1 form on which he / she requests support feedback from people stopped for carelessly spitting or littering.
  • School Principal or Swachhta Monitor School Coordinator can attend 4 online sessions for updates and strategies during the project period for more effective activity with regards to the competitions.


Sustained cleanliness and Swachhta Monitor’s personal development will be a reward by itself. We shall also give proper recognition to best performing schools at division and state levels.

  1. Top 50 schools shall be shortlisted at divisional level. Top 5 ranks shall be declared, next 20 and 25 Special Mention schools.
  2. Top 100 schools shall be shortlisted at State level. Top 5 ranks, next 20 and 50 Special Mention schools shall be declared,
  3. Top 5 districts of Maharashtra
  4. Top division of Maharashtra
  5. “Maharashtra Swachhta Monitor” ID Cards for selected students.

Additionally; we are also attempting to give rewards and recognition at District level.

Watch Narration Videos for reference to making correct videos.